Try the Live Web Demo Now!

Web demo version below runs client side. Connect with your own community.


Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet

Create a new HD Wallet or restore from backuped seed.
Skip shake to start step to get a random seed.
Write down the 12 words passphrase and store it in a safe place for future restore.


Chose a strong Password

Insert an alphanumeric password using at least 8 char, one capital and one number.
Insert also a 4 digit code for optional protect access on mobile app
Password will never stored, mind that you have to insert password for every transaction.


Use the app and enjoy


Serverless Whisper Chat (v5 upgraded)

Start to communicate on public chat or to send private messages to friends. Write to Inzhoop pre-saved friend for support.


List Tokens and Dappleths

Manage public and custom tokens with your mobile wallet.
Run Dapps deployed on LETH and interact with smart contracts.


Send/Receive ETH and Tokens

LETH mobile wallet give you the possibility to use your asset with friends and dapps.

Your keys will be stored encrypted in localStorage on browser client side

For further information write us!